Cellulite forms when fibrous bands called “septae,” connect the skin to the underlying muscle fascia, tighten irregularly, pulling down on the skin, and/or begin to break down, allowing the normal layer of fat beneath the skin to push upward. This results in the puckering or “cottage cheese” appearance.

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Cellulite Reduction Treatment

Shockwave for cellulite are sound waves that, through alternating pressure, produce greater blood flow and improved circulation. This device stimulates increased vascularization and increases the blood flow in the affected area.

One of the safest treatment options for cellulite is Shockwave for cellulite; the skin becomes more uniform and compact, the orange peel appearance is reduced, and blood flow increases.

The results are immediately visible:

  • reduction of swelling
  • improved micro-circulation
  • greater tissue oxygenation
  • improvement of the appearance of skin affected by cellulite
  • collagen regeneration with toned and rejuvenated skin

What causes cellulite?

Cellulite forms when fibrous bands (septae) connect the skin to underlying muscle fascia and tighten irregularly. This pulls down on the skin and begins to break down, allowing the usual layer of fat beneath the skin to push upward, resulting in puckering or a cottage cheese appearance.

It is much more common in women than it is in men because women’s fat is typically distributed in the hips, thighs, and buttocks — common areas for cellulite. It also becomes more prevalent with aging due to the skin losing elasticity.

Valencia Medical Center offers a full range of rejuvenating procedures for women and men, including nonsurgical and noninvasive therapy and nonsurgical aesthetic treatments, such as cellulite reduction.

How does cellulite reduction work?

The highly skilled aesthetics team at Valencia Medical Center uses Shockwave for cellulite reduction. This device involves sound waves and stimulates vascularization, and through alternating pressure, improves circulation and increases blood flow in the affected area.

The team also offers Radio Frequency Skin Tightening and Advanced Laser Treatments with a remarkable growth factor serum (containing a special formulation). These treatments can be added to your treatment plan to enhance results.

Is cellulite reduction safe?

Cellulite reduction is an effective treatment that stimulates lymphatic drainage, encourages the breakdown of fat cells, and induces skin tightening in the following areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Arms
  • Legs

This treatment is very safe when performed by a medical or aesthetic professional. Valencia Medical Center’s team uses Shockwave therapy, one of the safest treatment options available in the industry.

What can I expect from cellulite reduction?

After a cellulite reduction treatment, you can expect to see a difference in the appearance and texture of the skin immediately*.

Visible results include:

  • Improvement of the appearance of skin affected by cellulite
  • Collagen regeneration with toned and rejuvenated skin
  • Reduction of swelling
  • Improved microcirculation
  • Greater tissue oxygenation

Valencia Medical Center offers unique programs to restore the look and feel of your skin from the face throughout the entire body.

The team of skilled healthcare professionals and aesthetic specialists will work with you to create a customized Ageless Life Program to restore your energy, youthful look, and confidence.

Call the office to learn more about cellulite reduction and the full suite of services available at Valencia Medical Center and schedule your visit. Or request an appointment online today, which is fast and convenient.

*Individual results may vary

Restore Your Youthful Look And Reclaim Your Confidence

Valencia Medical Center offers unique programs to restore the look from your face throughout your entire body. Our team of skilled healthcare professionals will work with you to create a customized Ageless Life Program that will restore your youthful look and energy.