For over a decade, Valencia Medical Center & Beverly Medical Center have been a pioneer in providing PRP/cell-based treatments for our patients in the areas of joint injuries, tendinitis, ligament damage, and muscle pain. We have seen the injections provide great relief to patients who have received traumatic injuries from accidents. These innovative cell-based/Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments can help restore the body’s function and heal damaged tissues and inflammation.

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Our premiere and advanced medical approach are non-surgical, painless, low-maintenance, and a perfect fit for clients that have been involved with personal injury with a high success rate & patient satisfaction. We are a highly accredited training facility in California for physicians in the field of Regenerative/Cell-Based/Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy, nationwide.

Live Pain-Free With Our PRP Treatment For Personal Injury!

Are you suffering from consistent pain from something in your elbow? Knee pain or a rotator cuff injury? Is your body taking too long to heal after intensive surgery?

Tendons, ligaments, and cartilage tend to heal slowly and rarely recover to 100%. Personal injuries, if untreated over time, could cause increased pain and permanent damage.

If you are one of those people that suffer from knee, shoulder, and elbow pain, Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy can be an effective and optimal solution for you!

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a process which the patient’s own blood is used to separate platelets.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a concentration of a patient’s own platelets which help accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. The plasma we use is of each individual patient’s own to help improve musculoskeletal problems.

Benefits Of Our PRP Treatment

  • Reduce Pain
  • Increase Joint Function
  • Improve Mobility
  • Enhance the Quality of Your Cartilage
  • Heal Damaged Soft Tissues
  • Decrease Inflammation

Personal Injuries That Can Be Treated With PRP

  • Various musculoskeletal problems including tendonitis
  • Back muscle pain
  • Knee conditions including osteoarthritis
  • ACL injuries
  • Patellar tendon
  • Rotator cuff injury
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Achilles tendon injuries
  • Ligament damage