Valencia Medical Center

5 Reasons You May Benefit from Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Apr 04, 2024
5 Reasons You May Benefit from Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Your hormones are the “messengers” of your body, and they’re incredibly important. When these crucial chemicals aren’t properly balanced, you likely feel it. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy offers some tremendous benefits. 

Hormones keep your body humming from birth until death. They are responsible for metabolism, sexual function and reproduction, sleep cycles, mood, and many other functions and cycles. 

At Valencia Medical Center, our highly trained providers see many patients who don’t feel quite right. They can’t always pinpoint exactly what’s wrong, and their complaints may seem vague — things like poor sleep or concentration, low sex drive, or slow but steady weight gain without any changes to diet or exercise routine. In many instances, these kinds of issues are related to hormonal imbalances.

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, which is sometimes abbreviated to BHRT, can help you feel more like yourself again and also help you get back to your usual, active, busy life.

1. Improves your efforts to stay fit

As you age, you lose muscle mass, and maintaining your fitness may feel more difficult. If you have a hormonal imbalance, that can be doubly true. Have you probably heard of the middle-age spread? 

With BHRT, you may find it easier to combat problems like insulin resistance. You may also find that you generally have more energy, so working out is easier to fit into your life.

BHRT is an often-overlooked way to fight the creeping weight gain many of us experience as we age. 

2. Your mood levels out

Mood swings are part of life, but they can be problematic. Women experiencing perimenopause are especially vulnerable to mood swings. If you find yourself feeling euphoric one moment but angry the next, or you go from near tears to laughing, it’s frustrating, to say the least.

BHRT can help you reach a steadier state of mind. Mood swings are disconcerting and confusing. 

3. You can slow hair loss

Both men and women are prone to hair loss when their hormones are imbalanced. Hair loss isn’t inevitable, though, and one of the simplest treatments is BHRT. 

It may be surprising to learn that hair follicles go through cycles of growth, rest, and regeneration, and hormones control those cycles. BHRT can help stabilize hormone levels and slow hair loss. 

4. You find yourself “in the mood” more

Low sex drive is one of the key indicators of hormonal imbalance for both women and men. If you find that you’re just not as interested in intimacy as you used to be, you may well have a hormone issue.

BHRT can improve your libido, and that, in turn, may improve your relationship. For women, low sex drive may be related to physical problems like vaginal dryness, and BHRT helps with that, as well. 

5. You may avoid depression

Just as hormones play a role in your mood, they can also lead to depression. Depression makes it difficult to function because you feel as if nothing really matters. You may begin skipping social occasions or ignoring hobbies you usually enjoy.

By balancing your hormones, you may find that you’re interested in life once again and looking forward to activities that bring you joy. Depression can make everything seem gray, but BHRT brings the color back to your life. 

Get personal guidance

Our providers carefully assess your situation before determining whether bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is likely to be a good approach for you. Once we establish that a hormone imbalance is likely, we explain your options and why we prefer bio-identical hormone replacement to other types of therapy.

If you’d like to learn more, schedule an appointment today